Collaboration is just one aspect of Network Places

Background and Resources
In Depth
 Network places range in scope from simple chat rooms to full-blown 3D raytraced surround-sound immersive virtual realities. Somewhere in-between is the text-based virtual reality called MOO. MOO is often used to host multiuser networked role-playing games, but increasingly is used for educational, scientific, and business purposes. Here we describe current and past attempts to escape the text-only limitations of MOO, adding features such as a graphical interface toolkit, multicast audio and video, and interapplication communications -- in the process transforming MOOs from their humble gaming origins into powerful, all-purpose collaborative environments.

These pages describe the AstroVR, Jupiter, and Supernova projects during the period 1992-1999. AstroVR and Supernova were conducted at the Infrared Processing Analysis Center (Caltech/JPL) under the direction of Dr. David Van Buren, in collaboration with the Jupiter project led by Dr. Pavel Curts at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.